Myrica nagi
English: Box Myrtle
Sanskrit/Indian: Katphal
Russian: Мирика эскулента

General information:
Myrica nagi is also one of the most common plants currently used in ayurvedic formulations for human health management. Myrica nagi is a medium to large woody, evergreen, dioecious, subtropical tree belonging to the family myricaceae. In India Myrica nagi is commonly known as kaifal in Hindi, Kathphala in Sanskrit
Tree attains height of 12 to 15 meters. Leaves are lanceolate, 9 cm long, 3 cm broad, lower surface -pale green, upper surface - dark green. Generally leaves are crowded towards the end of branches
Active chemical constituents like alkaloids, amino acids, carbohydrates, glycosides and proteins
- The medicinal properties of M. nagi are well known. The bark possess anti-inflammatory, anti-helmintic, anti-microbial, anxiolytic, mast cell stabilizing properties, while the fruits are known for their anti-oxidant properties and antimicrobial nature .
- Leaves are exported world-wide for their medicinal utilities. The whole plant is an effective chemo preventive agent in skin.
- In Ayurveda, the plant is known to have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties